The Foundation
Norman Lowell Letter
Norman Lowell Letter
In 2016, we formed a nonprofit charitable foundation to preserve the Norman Lowell Art Gallery so that its collection would remain free and open to the Alaskan people and all travelers. Equally as important to that was our intention to continue the charitable work begun by Norman and Libby in distributing financial aid to people oppressed and in need of the basic necessities of life, and in the teaching of the Gospel of Christ to people around the world.
Norman and Libby came to Alaska in 1958 as homesteaders. In 1965, they moved from their homestead to Anchorage where Norman taught art classes for seven years. They then returned to their homestead, where they raised five children and built Norman’s studio-gallery, opening it to the public in 1975.
Many visitors came to the studio to view Norman’s latest works, and to walk among Norman and Libby’s extensive gardens. As Norman began painting larger works, he recognized the need for a larger gallery. Norman designed the new gallery himself, opening it to the public in 1996. The final addition was opened in 2000, bringing the gallery to 10,000 square feet. It is one of the largest single-artist galleries in the country.
The number of visitors to the gallery has increased every year, and people in Alaska and around the world have given great encouragement to Norman and Libby and their life’s work.
Norman turned 90 in 2017, and Libby turned 80. Norman is now blind but for less than 5% in his left eye. Norman and Libby are grateful for the foundation that will preserve their legacy and continue the work of the gospel, and for all those who support them through donations, prayers, and word-of-mouth. Their hope is that the foundation will continue to grow and impact the world for good.
Norman and Libby would like to thank all those who have shared in their journey and all those who will continue the work, either through donations, purchases, or simply by sharing their story. With all that God has blessed them and their lives, Norman and Libby dedicate this gallery and its works to the good of all mankind.
We look forward to meeting you and seeing you at the gallery each summer.
Call us for new information any time.
- Norman Lowell, written to the public in 2017
The Norman Lowell Art Gallery Foundation carries on the legacy of Norman and Libby Lowell, through the preservation and presentation of Norman Lowell's art collections, and the support of charitable causes important to the Lowells. The Foundation is overseen by a Board of Directors, and operated by the Norman Lowell Gallery staff.

The foundation owns the gallery and homestead properties of Norman Lowell and is dedicated to presenting them to the public for the educational and cultural enhancement of society. The foundation is funded entirely through the sales of artwork in the gallery’s sales room, and through donations from individuals around the world who recognize the special contribution Norman Lowell’s life work has made to Alaskan culture. If you wish to support the foundation, please contact us.
The Future
The Norman Lowell Art Gallery Foundation is the fulfillment of Norman Lowell’s dream that his work work be shared with the next generation, and that the experience he built on his homestead hill would result in a positive impact in the world.
The mission of the Foundation is to carry the legacy of Norman and Libby Lowell into the future through three specific approaches.
Time changes everything. Some things should be left to end in peace. As the properties of Norman Lowell transition from the Artist to the Foundation, several of his past works and projects have ended or been dismantled according to his wishes.
The future of the Foundation will see a restoration and preservation of the beauty of the homestead buildings and gardens, and a dedicated care-taking of the Permanent Collection housed in the Norman Lowell Gallery.
Few people in American society today get to experience anything similar to the challenges and triumphs of pioneering days such as the homesteading era of Alaska.
The future of the Foundation will see a vibrant interpreting of the historical significance of the Norman Lowell homestead properties and art collection. Thousands have been deeply touched by the art of Norman Lowell, and the Foundation hopes that new generations may experience here a unique story of those who came before.
Norman and Libby Lowell were people of faith. Their faith in Jesus Christ motivated them to live a simple life and give substantial portions of their income from Norman’s success to those in need. As a nonprofit organization, the foundation annually gives away all profits above needed operating revenue, partnering with organizations that fulfill the mission the artist set forth: caring for the hungry and homeless, and spreading knowledge of the message of the Bible throughout the world.